Potencial Millonario Ep. 30 / The Potential Millionaire Ep. 30

En el programa de hoy hablamos del fraude cibernético y como usted puede identificarlo para que no termine siendo víctima de los charlatanes que intentan separarlo a usted de su dinero.

También entrevistó a Erika Mitchell, Directora de Miss & Teen Alabama y Georgia Latina Pageant quien nos dice como nuestras jovenes latina se pueden convertir en reinas de bellezas, pero mas importante cómo pueden aprender habilidades que la llevaran al éxito en sus vidas.
Attentamente- Felix A. Montelara, creador de The Potential Millionaire
Por Último: Gracia a las 405 personas que se suscribieron al blog www.PotencialMillonario.com  

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Miss & Teen Alabama Latina Pageant

100 Best w!se High Schools Teaching Personal Finance Rankings Announced

100 Best w!se High Schools Teaching Personal Finance Rankings Announced (via PRWeb)

Second Annual Personal Finance Education Rankings Announced New York, NY (PRWEB) April 07, 2014 – Second annual event marks the 11th anniversary of the national Working in Support of Education (w!se) Financial Literacy Certification Program Passaic…

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The Potential Millionaire Ep. 29 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 29

Hoy hablamos de la compra de un auto (carro, vehículo, o coche), para poder comprar el mejor auto por nuestro dinero. Muchas veces la compra de un auto es una necesidad y usted no se puede dejar timar por persona inescrupulosas.  Mas hoy escucharas los secretos para salir de deudas. Si tienes muchas deudas y estas atrasado con los pagos este es el programa para usted. Y por ultimo contestamos sus preguntas que llegaron por Facebook, Twitter, y Potencialmillonario.com 


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Survey Says: We’re Carrying Less Cash [AUDIO]

By Joe Cutter


Every day, while 49 percent of respondents in the survey carry as little as $20, or even less. 
Greg McBride, senior financial analyst for Bankrate.com, doesn’t believe we are ultimately moving toward a cashless society but said we may be getting closer to it.

“Stagnant incomes have taken a toll on a lot of household budgets,” he said.

Only 7 percent of Americans are packing $100 or more on a daily basis, according to the survey.

“We did find, not surprisingly, that women are more likely to carry less cash than men,” McBride said.100_4248

The poll said 86 percent of women carry less than $50 with them every day. That’s compared to 70 percent of men.

McBride believes we will still need cash for certain daily transactions. He said there may be those odd encounters with a bellhop or some other sort of service personnel where plastic does not cut it.

For more highlights of Bankrate.com’s May 2014 Financial Security Index, click here.
Read More: Survey Says: We’re Carrying Less Cash [AUDIO] | http://nj1015.com/survey-says-were-carrying-less-cash-audio/?trackback=tsmclip

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Potencial Millonario Ep. 28- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla (parte2)

Potencial Millonario Ep. 28- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla (parte2)
En este programa de Potencial Millonario hablamos del día de las Madres y les pregunto valora usted a las mujeres en su vida? También discutimos los diferente trabajos que una madre puede hacer desde su casa. Y terminamos con la segunda parte de la entrevista con Victor Hugo Manzanilla, Blogger de Liderazgohoy.com donde hablamos sobre los hábitos que te llevan al éxito.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 28- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla (parte2)

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Potencial Millonario Ep. 28- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla (parte2)

Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla

Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla

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Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla

En este episodio de Potencial Millonario, les hablo de lograr lo deseado a través de lo sueños. Mas hablamos con Victor Hugo Manzanilla, Blogger de Liderazgohoy.com sobre el tema del miedo (parte1).

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Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla


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Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla


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Potencial Millonario Ep. 27- Liderazgo Hoy con Victor Hugo Manzanilla

Puerto Rico Unveils 1st Balanced Budget in Years

 Puerto Rico’s governor on Tuesday presented the territory’s first balanced budget in more than a decade, fulfilling a promise to cut spending at a time when the island’s economic problems have spread fear among U.S. investors.

Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla proposed more than $1.4 billion in cuts and adjustments by consolidating 25 government agencies and imposing an average 8 percent spending cut for most agencies, among other things. He also pledged $775 million to pay off debt — $525 million more than in last year’s budget.

The $9.64 billion budget aims to strengthen and revive the economy as the U.S. territory enters its eighth year in recession and struggles to reduce some $73 billion in public debt.

The budget does not call for layoffs or new taxes.

“We are finally paying off the debts of the past,” Garcia said during a televised address to a joint legislative session. “Our island needs radical changes. For too long, previous proposals have only been cosmetic or sought a collective applause.”

The governor is scheduled to formally submit the budget Wednesday, and legislators will debate it in upcoming weeks, with approval needed before June 30. Last year’s budget stood at $9.77 billion.

U.S. investors and bondholders were awaiting details of the budget and are expected to monitor its impact on the economy after Puerto Rico sold a record $3.5 billion in general obligation bonds last month in part to generate more liquidity and refinance debt.

David Tawil, co-founder and portfolio manager of New York-based Maglan Capital, praised Garcia’s push for a balanced budget, although he said reservations remain.

“It’s an important achievement beyond the financial soundness,” Tawil said. “It is all critical and goes a long way but may not necessarily be sufficient.”

Opposition legislator Lourdes Ramos criticized Garcia for not acknowledging the island’s contracting economy, the lack of jobs and dwindling funds. “It was disappointing,” she said of his speech.

Hundreds of unionized workers gathered outside the seaside Capitol to protest the cuts.

Puerto Rico economist Gustavo Velez said the last balanced budget for the U.S. territory’s government was in 1999, with governors borrowing over the past 14 years to finance deficits while violating the island’s constitution requirement for balanced budgets. He said the government borrowed an estimated $29 billion from 2004 to 2013, adding that the money wasn’t put into public works but rather was just used to let the island live beyond its means.

“That should never have occurred,” he said, adding he feels Garcia had no other option but to balance the budget. “This is happening because of the current fiscal reality. They cannot go to the market to borrow more money. … They have no choice but to face reality, to operate with the resources they have.”

Garcia, a lawyer who became governor in January 2013, inherited a more than $2.2 billion deficit and the highest unemployment rate compared with any U.S. state, among other economic problems.

He has sought to diversify the economy and strengthen its industrial base, attracting international companies with tax incentives while also courting wealthy investors such as New York hedge fund executive John Paulson.

Earlier this month, German company Lufthansa Technik announced it would invest $20 million on a facility for aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul, while Arizona-based Honeywell Aerospace said it would spend $24 million to expand its business on the island.

Garcia also has made changes to two major public pension systems, noting they would run out of money soon if nothing was done. He also previously implemented new taxes and various measures to help generate some $1.5 billion in new revenue.

Amonzon Book coverThe island of 3.67 million people is struggling economically. More than 450,000 people have left in the past decade, and just 41 percent of working-age Puerto Ricans are in the labor force, compared to 63 percent in the U.S.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 26 / The Potential Millionaire Ep. 26

En El programa de hablamos de la época de Pascuas.

TrinidadEn la sección”cuidando su dinero”, hablamos del caso financiero de Felix Tito Trinidad, 3 veces campeón de boxeo mundial, cien termino en la bancarrota por inversiones y deudas.  Escuche, pase por la pagina www.potencialmillonario.com y dígame usted si Tito pudo hacer algo diferente para proteger su patrimonio. Vea encuesta:   Haga clic aquí para completar la encuesta.

También entrevistamos a Adolfo Albo

Adolfo Albo Bancomer
Adolfo Albo Bancomer

de México, quien recibió premio the Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) en Educación Financiara uno de los premios mas codiciados en la nación Americana.  Albo es parte del Bano BBVA Bancomer, Mexico. El programa de Educación financiera de BBVA Bancomer esta disponible en Latino América.  Todos es gratis y esta disponible en linea gratis, el publico en general está invitado a participar, Gratis. 


Espero que disfrutes del programa, pero sobre todo que aprendas algo.  Recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.

Felix A. Montelara

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Fun Friday Links: Financial Spring Cleaning, Innovation and Easter Eggs, and What Successful People Do on the Weekend

Fun Friday Links: Financial Spring Cleaning, Innovation and Easter Eggs, and What Successful People Do on the Weekend (via blog.mindjet.com)

Welcome to Conspire’s Super Happy Fun Friday Link Time, a weekly collection of cool discoveries from around the Web. Most times the goal is to get you thinking differently about communication, collaboration, culture, and life in general. Other times…

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