Lo que usted debe saber sobre el tabú del dinero versus la palabra de Dios en lo Mejor de Potencial Millonario por Felix A. Montelara en Audio Dice Network

En el tema de hoy hablaremos sobre el tabú del dinero, FICO- su puntuación de crédito, cómo ahorrar energía con enseres electrónicos. Espero que lo disfruten pero sobre todo que obtengan la mentalidad millonaria.

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Felix A. Montelara, Autor y Prodctor de Potencialmillonario.com

Amonzon Book cover

Are You Feeling Rejected? If so, Never Give Up

By: Felix A. Montelara, Author: Bulletproof Finances & Potencial Millonario

Never Give Up!

My Daughter Anya

I want to talk to you about rejection.  All of us have felt rejection before.  It can come into our lives in many different forms, such as when you don’t get the grade you want, the job you want, or even the girlfriend or boyfriend you want.  Many of the clients I talk to feel rejection with respect to money.  They feel that rejection when they try to get a loan, a mortgage, a credit report.  They feel rejection when they don’t have money for their bills, or when they can’t buy the things they want.  Rejection can often lead people to feel depressed, sad, or even hopeless.  I want to tell you about a few people who have been rejected in their lives.  Abraham Lincoln was one of the great presidents of the United States.  He actually ran for public office and was defeated seven times before he was elected president.   Think about the rejection he must have felt in each of those elections, after all the time and effort put into campaigning- just to lose again.  But Lincoln didn’t quit.  He was defeated, he was rejected, but he didn’t give up.  He kept going and he finally one.  Let me tell you about a person who was a reject from society. Abhram Lincoln  Let’s see if you can guess his name.  This guy was a teacher and preacher, but he was poor and never made much of a living at his work.  He had a small following and a group of close friends, but many of them abandoned him and rejected him when he needed them the most.  And then, worst of all, he was sent to help a nation of people, but they rejected him and called for him to be executed.  The very people he was trying to save chose to free a convicted criminal rather than him when they had the chance to free him.  After disparaging him, lying about him, selling his belongings, scattering his friends, and humiliating him, they finally watched him be killed when a court of law admitted that he had done no wrong.  Talk about the ultimate in rejection, the ultimate injustice.  Who was this man?  My friends, it was Jesus.  But even after all of this, even after being crucified on the cross, even after all of his suffering- did he give up?  Did he quit his mission?  Did he abandon all hope?  No, my friends, he didn’t.  He came back.  He was resurrected and came back victorious.  He finished teaching his disciples; he empowered them and sent them into the world to teach others.  And now we think of him as being the most influential man who ever lived.

So friends, when we are feeling rejected, let’s be rejects the way Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ were rejects.  Let’s be rejects who never give up.  Let’s be rejects who persevere and emerge victorious.

Never give Up.

Pregúntale al Mentor Millonario – 01

Pregúntale al Mentor Millonario – 01

Las 11 Reglas de Oro©

Sep 4th, 2014 by mentormillonario

Contesto todas sus preguntas sobre su dinero. Como hacer que su dinero haga lo que usted quiera, y como hacerlo que llegue a fin de mes. Hoy les hablo de la 11 Reglas de Oro a seguir si usted desea llegar a la libertad financiera. Las once Reglas son del libro Potencial Millonario.thumbnailPMlibro.gifSi deseas mas información sobre las once reglas de oro puedes pasar por www.potencialmillonario.com o puedes escuchar el programa de radio líder en finanzas personales escuchado en mas de 69 país mediante el Internet y la cadena Radio Bama. 
Si usted quiere que le conteste una pregunta sobre como manjar su dienero pongase en contacto a: fmontleara@potencialmillonario.com o por teléfono al 1(334)-357-6410. Simplemente pase por potencialmillonario.com y deje un mensaje de voz. 
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10th Anniversary Of The Annual Conference on Financial Education

Financial Literacy 2.0 – Ensuring Effective Outcomes

By: John C. Linfield, Executive Director

Institute for Financial Literacy

10th Annual Conference on Financial Education, in San Antonio, Texas on April 1-3, 2015! Join fellow financial literacy fanatics as we celebrate this special occasion with door prizes, raffles and special recognition for attendees!

For our 10th anniversary celebration we’re making changes to keep things fresh, exciting and informative.

More Content. We’re adding half a day to the schedule! The first day of the conference will now be a full day rather than our traditional half-day.

More Depth. We’re extending session lengths so presenters and attendees can explore topics in more depth than ever before.

More Practical. We’re re-focusing concurrent session tracks on specific areas of knowledge and skills development, such as Behavioral Economics, Program Development, and Outcome Measurement.

More Hands-On. We’re adding a 2-hour facilitated roundtable workshop so you can brainstorm with your fellow attendees and presenters to develop actionable steps to bring home and begin implementing immediately.

More Networking. We’re adding structured networking opportunities to better support you in meeting new peers, developing professional relationships and identifying potential partnerships. We’re also adding a 1-hour Sponsor Fair to give you more time to speak with sponsors and evaluate the industry resources, products and services that are available.

More Social. We’re adding a low-stress social event so you can “kick back and relax” with fellow attendees and enjoy our host city.

More Value. Despite these changes, the registration fee will remain the same low rate for the third year in a row, giving you even more value for your dollar. Attendance at the annual EIFLE Awards Dinner and Keynote Luncheon will still be included in the basic registration fee.

Please join us to celebrate 10 years of our collective hard work on improving financial literacy in ourselves, our communities and our nation. We look forward to seeing you there!

2013-exhibitorStay tuned for more information.

Best regards,

John C. Linfield

Executive Director

Institute for Financial Literacy

 Sponsor Opportunities

The Conference provides an exciting opportunity for Sponsors to showcase their organization, products and services to an expected gathering of 200 financial educators from across the globe. It’s a wonderful way to support professional development in our industry, raise visibility for the work you are doing, and network with professionals in the field.

Sponsor Benefits

  • Support professional development for financial educators and counselors
  • Exhibit/Display tables to raise the visibility of your organization, product or service
  • Complimentary admission to all sessions
  • Dedicated time with conference attendees each day
  • Networking opportunities with financial educators from around the world
  • Recognition in conference materials

If your company is interested in sponsoring the Annual Conference on Financial Education, please contact John Linfield, Executive Director at JLinfield@financiallit.org or  at (207) 221–3613

The Potential Millionaire Ep. 45 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 45

The Potential Millionaire Ep. 45 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 45
En el este episodio 45 de Potencial Millonario hablamos de la filosofía del éxito según el actor Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. El nos dice, “Uno no se puede llevar lo que tienes…” y todos comenzamos desde el mismo lugar. También en la devocion de la semana investigamos el dicho de algunas personas que dicen, “”soy espiritual pero no religioso”. Que significa esto? Y Que es el sueno Americano? Tener una casa es el sueno de todos los latinos que llegan a esta país. Si, lo puedes lograr solo tienes que fijarnos la meta.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr.
December 28, 1954 (age 59)
Mount Vernon, New York, U.S.
Residence Beverly Hills, California, U.S.
Alma mater Fordham University
Occupation Actor, film director, film producer
Years active 1974–present
Religion Pentecostalism (Church of God in Christ)
Spouse(s) Pauletta Washington (m. 1983)
Children 4

Biography Filmography Awards:
Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is an American actor, film director, and film producer. He has received much critical acclaim for his work in film since the 1990s, including for his portrayals of real-life figures such as Steve Biko, Malcolm X, Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, Melvin B. Tolson, Frank Lucas, and Herman Boone. Washington is a featured actor in the films produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and was a frequent collaborator of the late director Tony Scott.

Washington has received two Golden Globe awards and a Tony Award, and two Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor for Glory (1989) and Best Actor for Training Day (2001).

Sofia Vergara es de nuevo la actriz de TV mejor pagada

Que opinas del hecho que Sofia Vergara es  la actriiz mejor pagada en el mundo.  Recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario 

Felix A. Montelara


Articulo original autora: Vanna Lee,

Según Forbes  la artista tiene ingresos estimados en 37 millones de dólares.

Sofía Vergara es de nuevo la actriz de TV mejor pagada del mundo
Foto: AFP

La colombiana Sofía Vergara se convirtió por tercer año consecutivo en laactriz de televisión mejor pagada del mundo con ingresos estimados en 37 millones de dólares, según una lista de la revista estadounidense Forbes difundida el miércoles.Amonzon Book cover

Vergara, de 42 años, alcanzó la fama gracias a su papel de Gloria Delgado-Pritchett en la serie “Modern Family“, indiscutible reina de la comedia gracias a sus cinco Emmy, por la que recibe unos 325.000 dólares por capítulo. (Leer “Modern Family” hace historia en los Emmy).

No obstante, el grueso de los ingresos de la colombiana provienen de la publicidad, en donde se ha convertido en una de las caras más populares al protagonizar anuncios para la bebida Diet Pepsi, el maquillaje CoverGirl, el champú Head & Shoulders, la compañía de telecomunicaciones AT&T y el medicamente Synthroid.

Sofía Vergara, una de las latinas más poderosas de Hollywood, ha sido vista este año en una de las películas indie más exitosas del verano (boreal), “Chef“, en la que comparte cartel con Scarlett Johansson, así como en la comedia “Fading gigolo“, de John Turturro, junto a Woody Allen y Sharon Stone.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 44- ¿Sabes como generar ingreso EXTRA?

The Potential Millionaire Ep. 44 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 44
Aug 30th, 2014 by mentormillonario
Potencial Millonario Ep. 44- ¿Sabes como generar ingreso EXTRA?
En este programa hablamos de como generar mas ingreso para poder obtener la libertad Les doy algunas técnicas por las cuales puedes utilizar para general ingreso extra. Después habla100_4246mos de la devocion de la semana. Donde hablamos del buen pastor. Hoy tenemos la sección lo que usted debe saber y les pido que comience su presupuesto para saber endone estas financieramente hablado.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 44- ¿Sabes como generar ingreso EXTRA?Amonzon Book cover

The Potential Millionaire Ep. 42 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 42

The Potential Millionaire Ep. 42 / Potencial Millonario Ep. 42

En el programa de esta semana hablamos de la seguridad al momento de usar la maquinas ATH o como le dicen en mi barrio ATM. Los cajeros automáticos son muy conveniente pero pueden ser un peligro si no tenemos cuidado.  habló de las madres solteras y como es que esta sociedad les paga menos por el mismo trabajo que un hombre hace. Y contestó sus preguntas. Hoy incluyo la devoción del día. Le enviare T-shirt a todos los que me hicieron las preguntas . Felicidades a todos.desmotivado.es_Las-madres-solteras-Tiene

Source: Wikipeda

Madre soltera

Se llama madre soltera a la mujer que lleva a cabo la crianza de los hijos y el manejo del hogar sin la compañía o apoyo de una pareja y no ha estado casada, por decisión propia o circunstancias de su entorno. Es uno de los tipos de familia monoparental.

Maternidad en soledad[editar]

La maternidad en soledad ha sido una constante a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad dado que siempre dependió del varón el reconocimiento o no del hijo. No hay ningún estudio que demuestre que son más sanos mentalmente los niños educados dentro de una familia convencional.1

Los estudios realizados por la CEPAL en 2001 mostraron que los varones tienden a no utilizar métodos anticonceptivos y a restringir su uso por parte de las mujeres, se involucran en múltiples experiencias sexuales pero desconocen su responsabilidad en los embarazos no deseados – los cuales quedan a cargo exclusivamente de las mujeres, en su mayoría adolescentes – y evaden su participación durante los distintos momentos del nacimiento y la crianza de los hijos. En muchísimas opcasiones no reconocen a los hijos nacidos de estas relaciones.2

El reconocimiento del hijo continúa siendo un derecho discrecional del padre en muchos países, incluso en los que la ley protege a los niños nacidos fuera del matrimonio.

En muchas sociedades actuales existe un cuerpo legal que elimina la discriminación hacia las madres solteras y sus hijos, e incluso algunos gobiernos nacionales (incluso de países del Tercer mundo) cuentan con programas de ayuda institucionalizada para hogares donde las mujeres son las jefas, que incluyen ayuda estatal, becas de estudio para los hijos, créditos bancarios para que las mujeres inicien pequeñas y medianas empresas, y otros.

De la misma forma, cada día es más común que una mujer decida establecer una familia sin la presencia de un hombre, y cada día la opinión de la sociedad en torno al tema se vuelve más abierta y receptiva.[cita requerida]

Desde 2001 muchos países ven aumentar el número de madres solteras de forma exponencial. En España la media de madres solteras es del 25%, en Canarias un 55% (INE de España 2008), en Chile 64,65% (INE de Chile 2008). Muchas de ellas acuden a la fecundación invitro, pero también son el 10% de las adopciones en España.

Con respecto a las llamadas madres solteras por elección, en 2001 la doctora Luisa Barón, directora de la Fundación para la Investigación Médica Psicológica (IMPSI), presentó en la ‘American Society for Reproductive Medicine’ de los Estados Unidos una investigación realizada entre 1997 y 2000 con Stella Lancuba sobre «Mujeres solteras que recurren a bancos de esperma. Un seguimiento psicológico en pacientes y niños”».3

Todas las mujeres del estudio habían confesado que hubieran preferido la concepción con un hombre, pero no quisieron mentirle a una pareja ocasional ni forzar a nadie a lapaternidad. Varias habían intentado adoptar pero desistieron después de años de espera por numerosas trabas burocráticas. Todas ellas deseaban encontrar una pareja masculina estable y algunas fantaseaban con encontrar un padre para su hijo. Los niños y madres estudiados e involucrados en este estudio presentaron una evolución normal.

Según la dra Barón:

Los chicos que evaluamos tienen una excelente relación con la madre, y se están desarrollando bien. No hay ninguna razón para pensar que las cosas puedan salir mal.4

Véase también[editar]


Good Parenting is Hard (Parenthood)

Good Parenting is Hard

By: Felix A. Montelara, The Potentialmillionaire.net

I want to spend a few minutes talking about parenthood.  I refer you to the parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32.  You all know the story: a young man requests his inheritance from his father and strikes out on his own, living a life of excess until he squanders every cent.  He sells himself into servitude, yet even then he doesn’t even eat as well as the pigs he cares for.  In the cold, hard world, no one helps him.  Amonzon Book coverFinally, he decides to go and repent to his father, and ask that he become one of his servants.  When the father sees him, he rejoices and commands that a giant feast be held in his honor, and he dresses him in find clothes.  The father, according to Luke 15:24 says, 24 “’for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’”  Can you imagine how hard it was for this father to say that?  I wonder to myself, would I have said that?  Or would I have slipped in an, “I told you so” or an “I knew this would happen?”  Let’s be honest- parenting is hard, and we parents are as imperfect as our kids.  We raise our children the best we can, but they grow up and make their own decisions and mistakes.  The real lesson about parenthood here is this:  the father in this story did a good job with this young man, because at the end of all of his failure he knew enough to be humble and go home to where the love was.  And what a strong man was the father, to recognize that the lesson was already learned- and the moment called for acceptance, not admonishment.  If only all parents and children would spend a little more time contemplating this story, which is as pertinent today as ever.  Maybe by doing so we could have a few less mistakes, and a few more happy endings.  I think Jesus was making the point that God the Ultimate Father treats us in the same way- when we go to him with our mistakes he welcomes, accepts, and forgives us.  Shouldn’t we try to do the same?  This reminds me of when Jesus stopped the stoning of the woman by saying, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”  We parents have made our fair share of mistakes.  Let’s rejoice when our kids actually come to us for forgiveness. It means that we did something right.

Luke 15:11-32

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)

The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother

11 And he said, “There was a man who had two sons; 12 and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.’ And he divided his living between them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living. 14 And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. 15 So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 And he would gladly have fed on[a] the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. 17 But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’[b] 22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; 23 and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; 24 for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry.

25 “Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. 27 And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound.’ 28 But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, 29 but he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ 31 And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32 It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’”

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