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Shutdown, Layoff – Day 4, October 2013

Jaime and Kids

Today is Friday and the first weekend laid off . I do not think I will keep track of lay off days during the weekends. Today I worked on my book Potential Millionaire LE edition. Here is an excerpt from the book:

“…Author Ron Blue in his book, “The Debt Squeeze” says that there is a misunderstanding and many inconsistencies between our money management and what the Bible tells us. Blue explains that churches employ professionals to raise money to make improvements and provide better services to its members. Blue argues that one of the major misunderstandings regarding debt is that having or being in debt is not a sin, but many believe that it is because in Romans 13:8 the verse says: “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law” (N.V.I.)…”

I went to lunch with Jay (wife), shared the love, and ran some errands checking some other relative’s property that is for sale. I am enjoying being home when the kids come home.  I think they are surprised that I am home. I can get use to this. 😉

If you feel the debt squeeze, get some love. Remember we all have Potencial Millonario.

Felix A. Montelara

Author: Potencail Millonario

(Currently on laid off)

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