Potencial Millonario Radio- EP 03

Escuche este nuevo programa estaremos hablando de lo que dice la Biblia sobre el manejo de dinero y el porque dios quiere que tengamos riquezas en nuestra vidas. Estas riquezas no tienen que ser materiales.

Espero que lo disfrutes y recuerde todo tenemos Potencial Millonario

WIQR Radio Bama 1410 am
Episodio 03

How Do I Build A Million Dollar TSP Account?

Mike Causey’s Federal Report

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Invest the maximum amount you are allowed (so you get the 5 percent government match) in the Thrift Savings Plan.
  2. Pick the right fund (or combination of funds). Stick with them, except when you need to change.
  3. Stir occassionaly for 20 to 30 years and wham, bam, you are a millionaire.

It’s been done. Seventy five current feds have TSP accounts worth a million or more, although most did it via the rollover route. .

So is the road to riches the stock market-index funds? It can be a bumpy ride taking you up and down depending on war, weather, economic conditions, the price of oil and even volcanoes in Iceland. Throw in the occasional asteroid strike to make it interesting.

Or do you get rich by playing it safe and sticking with the G-fund which invested in special U.S. Treasury securities that are not available to people outside the TSP? Its payoff is never heart-pounding exciting, but it has never had a loss.

Mike, an employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs takes the slow-but-sure approach. “Becoming a TSP millionaire can be done with zero risk strictly through investing in the G fund,” he says. “There is no need to invest in the risky C, S, and I funds. Just contribute the max each year (currently $16,500) and over a 30 year career you will exceed a million.”

Over the last 10 years the G-fund and the much-neglected F-fund (bonds) have outperformed the stock-index C, S and I funds. But when the CSIs have a good year (like 30 percent returns) it can be avery good year.

Have You Joined the TSP Millionaire Club?

Federal TSP millionaire tells how to join the club

Click here or on tittle for Audio: How to become a Millionaire

By Mike Causey

One of the easiest ways to become wealthy is to write a book with tips on how to become wealthy in the stock market. Even if you have failed in every other way, it can be your ticket to big bucks.

The secret of success is often not in the tips themselves — buy low, sell high, dollar-cost-average, yadda yada yadda — but on publicity. Catch the eye of Oprah or Dr. Oz, or get the gang on The Talk on afternoon TV to chat it up. Bingo, you are an instant celebrity. Then possibly very rich. Or…

You can do it the old-fashioned way. If you are a federal or postal worker you can join the TSP, max your contributions, take advantage of the 5 percent government match for FERS employees and settle in for the long haul.

Wednesday’s column noted that there are currently 929 federal workers with TSP accounts worth $1 million or more. As noted, some of them were rich when they came into government. They transferred their 401(k) plan funds into the TSP.

Top hat w gloves


Some of the TSP millionaires are members of Congress or lawyers-turned- federal judges. They either did well in the private sector or married well. They had the good fortune to fall in love with someone who happened to have the good fortune to have a fortune. But a few did it the hard way. Here’s one who tells how it can be done:

“…I am one of the 929 TSP millionaires mentioned in your column. Not born with a silver spoon in my mouth either, for growing up, my family never even had a car. I’m 58 years old and have over $1 million in the TSP, beginning with contributions 25 years ago. Attached is a plot showing how it happened, by putting the maximum amount available (although past 50, due to other financial obligations I did not even add the catch-up available for 50+). I did make sound investments with timing, for I made double-digit growth extraordinaire during the booms, and was fortunate to avoid the busts by moving it temporarily to the G fund. I have some advice that I think you should offer the young bloods out there joining the federal government and that they must contribute their maximum amount to the TSP. That is rule #1.”Here is rule #2: No one right now should have money in the F Fund. I am hoping that perhaps the TSP board will actually

develop separate F Funds for short/moderate term bonds (less than 5-7 years) and another separate one for long term bonds. That is because more than half of the holdings in the F fund are for more than five years’ duration. It is a mathematical fact that for every 1 percent increase in interest rates (and interest rates must go up at some point, since they are basically zero and cannot go lower), there is a 7 percent reduction in the value of the bond fund. So, Mike Causey of Federal News Radio fame, you should get on your soapbox and save all the federal employees who have money in the F fund and tell them to move it out. It is ridiculous to have a fund like the F fund, where half the money will guaranteed lose money and the other half will gain. All it takes is for the TSP board to create two separate funds and really help the federal employees. It is a shame.


“One more thing for those federal employees who had other jobs. They should undoubtedly move their other IRAs into the TSP using form TSP-30. They should do this electronically and never, ever touch the money themselves. Tax consequences would incur if for some reason they did not move the money within 60 days of taking it out of the IRA. Only do a rollover IRA from one institution to another.” — One of the 929




Shutdown Day 10, October 2013

Government shutdown day 10-  The Hill is talking with White house Staffers and earlier today President Obama meet with 20 Republicans. As you know by know they are negotiating the issue of the debt ceiling.  Needless to say stocks skyrocketed today as investors were encouraged by talk of a deal that may avert a U.S. government default.  The Dow Jones industrial average jumped 323 points, or 2.2%, to 15,126 .  The Standard & Poor’s 500 index gained 37 points, or 2.2%, to 1,693 and the Nasdaq composite index skyrocketed 83, or 2.3%, to 3,761. What does mean for you? Your TSP, 401K, 457, or 403b made some real money, enjoy. 😉

For my fellow co-workers you will receive a pay check, but if you where originally furloughed it will have about 48 hours of pay.  If you were deemed essential will have you 80 hours, congrats. 😉   In my personal case 48 hours is coming tomorrow. I was not deemed essential until after day 8.  I am hearing stories of Federal employees that will not be able to pay theirs bills with 48 hours of pay. Furthermore many are not sure if they will be able to a mortgage if the next pay check has zero hours.

I have been working this week not sure if I will receive a pay check at the end of next pay period. I have not had a chance to work on my book Potential Millionaire LE edition but here is an excerpt that may help you in the future when you have an unforeseen no pay check.

Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for winning with money:

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Felix with daugther Anya and son Nicasio (Nick)
  • Personnel will not spend more than you bring home



  • Personnel should create passive income
  • Personnel may earn more income
  • Personnel must not have debt
  • Personnel should have a budget
  • Personnel must establish emergency fund
  • Personnel must participate in the retirement plan
  • Personnel will insure assets and life
  • Personnel should not place all your investments in one nest egg
  • Personnel should not mortgage you life away
  • Personnel should save for your children education fund
  • Personnel must have all legal/financial documents in order in case of  an unforeseen emergency

When SOP is followed and applied appropriately financial freedom will be achieved and you will win with money.  Please kept in mind these SOPs, since they are only talking about the debt ceiling not re-opening the government.

I appreciate you viewing my blog.

Best regards,

Felix A. Montelara

Author: Potential Millionaire


La parábola del hombre rico y el pobre Lázaro
Por: Felix A. Montelara
Autor: Potencial Millonario

No se trata del dinero, o el rico versus el pobre. Yo soy de la opinión que se trata de la falta del amor al prójimo. Cuando uno menos precia a nuestro prójimo demostramos indiferencia a nuestro vidas. La pregunta que uno se tiene que hacer es la siguiente. Puede usted vivir sin tormento con las su decisiones? Estas decisiones pueden ser por omisión come en la parábola, donde el rico le pasa por el lado a Lázaro y no le hace caso. La parábola no dice que El hombre rico era malo y pecador. La parábola tampoco nos habla de Lázaro siendo un santo. Lo que Jesús no dice es tenga cuidado con sus decisiones por que tendrán consecuencias!

Lea la parábola abajo y espero que la disfrutes, Porque todos tenemos Potencial Millonario,

Evangelio según San Lucas: 16:19-31
16:19 Había un hombre rico que se vestía de púrpura y lino finísimo y cada día hacía espléndidos banquetes.
16:20 A su puerta, cubierto de llagas, yacía un pobre llamado Lázaro,
16:21 que ansiaba saciarse con lo que caía de la mesa del rico; y hasta los perros iban a lamer sus llagas.
16:22 El pobre murió y fue llevado por los ángeles al seno de Abraham. El rico también murió y fue sepultado.
16:23 En la morada de los muertos, en medio de los tormentos, levantó los ojos y vio de lejos a Abraham, y a Lázaro junto a él.
16:24 Entonces exclamó: “Padre Abraham, ten piedad de mí y envía a Lázaro para que moje la punta de su dedo en el agua y refresque mi lengua, porque estas llamas me atormentan”.
16:25 “Hijo mío, respondió Abraham, recuerda que has recibido tus bienes en vida y Lázaro, en cambio, recibió males; ahora él encuentra aquí su consuelo, y tú, el tormento.
16:26 Además, entre ustedes y nosotros se abre un gran abismo. De manera que los que quieren pasar de aquí hasta allí no pueden hacerlo, y tampoco se puede pasar de allí hasta aquí”.
16:27 El rico contestó: “Te ruego entonces, padre, que envíes a Lázaro a la casa de mi padre,
16:28 porque tengo cinco hermanos: que él los prevenga, no sea que ellos también caigan en este lugar de tormento”.
16:29 Abraham respondió: “Tienen a Moisés y a los Profetas; que los escuchen”.
16:30 “No, padre Abraham, insistió el rico. Pero si alguno de los muertos va a verlos, se arrepentirán”.
16:31 Abraham respondió: “Si no escuchan a Moisés y a los Profetas, aunque resucite alguno de entre los muertos, tampoco se convencerán””.

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