Did You Know? Credit Unions Offer Financial Literacy| Elise Schexnayder

IFL Financiallit The potential Millionaire podcast with FElix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door

Credit Unions Offer Financial Literacy

Credit Unions around the United States of America offer Financial Literacy information to its customers and the community at large.  Credit unions have established financial literacy programs designed to help teachers and educators.

If you are an educational organization visit your local credit union and seek assistance for your financial education program.  Today Elise Shexnayder from SAFE Credit Union talks to us from the Institute for Financial Literacy Educators Conference.  Enjoy the interview.

Credit Unions Offer Financial Literacy

Elise Schexnayder SAFE Credit Union on the potential millionaire podcast with FElix A. Montelara The millionaire next Door
Elise Schexnayder SAFE Credit Union on the potential millionaire podcast with Felix A. Montelara |The millionaire next Door

Elise Shexnayder is a financial education coördinator who has taught finance in the Sacramento area since 2009, when she began her career with SAFE Credit Union. She uses her experience to offer a way to take control of your finances and allow your passions and values to control your decisions, putting money into its place, as a tool to reach your goals.

Felix Montelara The Millionaire Next Door, Mentor Millonario, El millonario de al lado
Felix Montelara The Millionaire Next Door, Mentor Millonario, El millonario de al lado

The Potential Millionaire Podcast and Blog is providing financial education resources to all whom wish to learn about financial literacy at low or no cost.  Thank you for your support and gifts.

The Potential Millionaire Team.

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Credit Unions Offer Financial Literacy

Professional Woman Don’t let your Job Define You

Ninjapillow.com Official Sponsor Potencial Millonario podcast

How do we define work today?  Women are underpaid, undervalued, and unnoticed in today’s society.

The Potential Millionaire Felix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door Podcast Blog
The Potential Millionaire Felix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door Podcast Blog

I was raised by a working woman (Mom) and I remember her  picking me and my brother up from the sitter, taking us home and have to work on getting everything ready for the next.

But she never let her work define her, while at home she was Mom, sweet, and loving.  In today’s program I pay homage to all the women that go out to work everyday to make thier kids and thier personal lives better.

Women, as you well know are not like men, which may have a second person or the support to help with trivial things when “life happens” and  gets in the way of work.  This may make it harder on working woman to stay longer term at one job.  Women go through stages in life such as having a baby, which may make thier jobs challenging since they also have to raise the baby.  All this may lead to them taking more time off and just leaving the workforce a period of time. This society today does not comply with.

working woman attire with the Potential Millionaire Felix A. Montelara Millionaire next door
Working Woman Attire

Making these demands on working mothers harder to succeed at work. However, there are a few things that could be done to better by employers.  So,  a professional woman’s work life should not define her life and  defining  what success may look like will surely be helpful. Here is a Forbes Article by contributor Peggy Dexter.

Forbes Felix A. Montelara The Potential Millionaire Podcast & Blog
Forbes Woman

(Click here or on Image for full article)

The Potential Millionaire is a made available without charge; Therefore, donations to maintain this information available are greatly appreciated.

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Learn to Podcast At Hispanicize 2016 n Miami, FL

Presentador del Podcast Felix A. Montelara

I’m speaking “The Best New Old Thing: How To Launch a Successful Podcast” at Hispanicize 2016.http://sched.co/6F7i @hispanicize #hispz16

In this session you will learn:

● How to launch a podcast

● Equipment and tools you will need

● Developing podcast show ideas

● Turning shows into content for your social platforms

● How to grow your audience

● Monetize your podcasts

● How to avoid costly and time consuming mistakes


Brandy ButlerBrandy Butler
Speaker, Author, and Transformational Business Strategist
Brandy Butler is a Speaker, Author, and Transformational Business Strategist. As a sought after speaker at colleges, organizations, and national conferences, Brandy travels the country teaching business owners about creating influential brands by leveraging podcasting & content marketing. She is the author of “Girl Just Quit” and “Podcasting for Brown Girls”. Brandy is passionate about helping female… Read More →

Ray CollazoRay Collazo
Rafael “Ray” Collazo is the founder of the Rays Podcast Network: the nation’s first online talk radio on-demand network dedicated to the Latino market. Network includes Rays Latino Talk, Latino Sports Talk and Latinos Talk Politics Podcasts. As host of Rays Latino Talk Podcast, Collazo has released over 200 episodes with interviews featuring the nation’s most influential and inspiring figures such as Rene… Read More →

Arturo Nava

Logra tu Dreams
Logra tu Dreams Author, Logra Tu Dream

Arturo Nava is the author of the #1 Amazon bestselling book “Logra Tu Dream: How 50 Successful Latinos & Latinas Turned Their Dreams Into Reality” and founder of Logra Tu Dream a top Latino podcast in a mission to help Latinos & Latinas achieve their dreams. Arturo is also an accomplished brand builder having helped top brands succeed in the Latino and mainstream market for the last 14 years at… Read More →

Marcie Quintana Podcast & Blog Potencial Millonario Marcie Quintana

Founder, Hispano Entrepreneur

Marcie Quintana is the founder of Hispano Entrepreneur a top bilingual Latino podcast where Latino|Hispanic entrepreneurs share their entrepreneurial journey. Marcie is also a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) at Marcie Quintana-Your Online Coach where she is on a mission to democratize the coaching industry by making it available to everyone. Marcie worked in the corporate finance… Read More →

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Podcast Ep. 123- ¿Cómo Gastar el reembolso de los impuestos? – Potencial Millonario Blog y Podcast The Potential Millionaire Blog & Podcast

Podcast y Blog Potencial Millonario The Potential Millionaire

 Potential Millionaire Blog & Podcast| Blog y Podcast Potencial Millonario
Potential Millionaire Blog & Podcast| Blog y Podcast Potencial Millonario

Si usted vive en los EEUU como ya sabes que se nos acerca la tiempo impuesto contributivos.  Si hay que pagarle al tío Sam y a sus primos los gobiernos estatales y se que mucho obtendremos un reembolso de dinero. El peligro es que se tu ya tengas este dinero comprometido en cosas innecesarias en vez  de centrarse en sus necesidades.

Podcast Potencial Millonario book sale
Potencial Millonario The Book (Spanish Edition)

Lo triste es que tu reembolso podría ser un vehiculo de cambio en tu vida.  Sabías que el reembolso promedio anual de aproximadamente $2,800.  El tomar una vacaciones solo porque te llegó un dinero casi inesperado no es motivo para desperdiciar todo su reintegro en cosas innecesarias.  Ejemplo de esto es salir y dar un pronto en un auto nuevo el cual te dejara sin dinero y con más deudas.  Tienes que tener disciplina y poner en las necesidades en primer lugar.

Podcast Ep. 123- ¿Cómo Gastar el reembolso de los impuestos?

Entonce, ¿Como es que debes gastar este dinero? Bueno mis consejo son los siguiente.

  • Pague sus tarjetas de crédito con interés más alto
  • Salde el préstamo de su auto e invierta la diferencia
  • Pague los préstamos estudiantiles
  • Guarde un poco de dinero para que tengas un fondo de emergencias
  • Si te sobra algo después de hacer todo lo anterior comience una cuenta de inversión para su retiro.

Hay que disfrutar algo con este dinero  te invito a que busques maneras de la cual puedes recompensarte por haber implementado esto buenos hábitos para tu futuro.

Podcast Ep. 123- ¿Cómo Gastar el reembolso de los impuestos?  Download this episode (right click and save)

Espero que escuche el podcast que acompaña estos post y aprendas un poco más sobre este importante asunto de los reintegros. Y solo pido que pases por Itunes y nos deje un reseña sobre este podcast.  especialmente si te gusto, pues las reseñas (review) ayudarán a otras personas que buscan información es este tema encontrarlos más fácil y con disponibilidad.  Potencial Millonario es hecho disponible para usted por www.NinjaPillow.com.

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sponsors Potencial Millonario

Podcast y Blog Potencial Millonario The Potential Millionaire 

Sobre el Autor: Felix A. Montelara

felix mic indoorsEs autor del libro Potencial Millonario y escribe blogs para otras plataformas.  Es creador del podcast Potencial Millonario y es un veterano de la Radio.

Contacto: Fmontelara@potencialmillonario.com

Podcast y Blog Potencial Millonario The Potential Millionaire 

Podcast Ep. 123- ¿Cómo Gastar el reembolso de los impuestos?


The post Podcast Ep. 123- ¿Cómo Gastar el reembolso de los impuestos? appeared first on Potencial Millonario Blog y Podcast The Potential Millionaire Blog & Podcast.

TEDxManagua – Empower, Elaine Miranda / Personal Finance -TEDx

Photo source: Movistar.com

Hello Potential Millionaire community, today we have a special post.  A few weeks ago I was participating in the No. 1 event in personal finance in the United States of America FINCON15.

I had the opportunity to share with financial pros, the hardcore financial bloggers and podcasters such as Phillip Taylor (PT Money), Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income), and Steve Stewart (Money Plan SOS). However, what I really most enjoyed was meeting several Latinos who were present at FINCON15:

Note: Alejando Fernandez (Not in Photo)
Note: Alejando Fernandez (Not in Photo)
  • Josiah Ortiz of the Dominican Republic, blogger of “Finance and Projects”
  • Juan Camilo from Colombia of the Accendo Finance
  • Alejandro Fernandez of the Dominican Republic, blogger of Argentarium

But there was a young person from Nicaragua who has gained extensive experience through what we in the Potential Millionaire community know as  “Millionaire Mindset.”

  • Elaine Miranda Blogger of Plata y Platica definitely has mastered the  Millionaire Mindset, so much so that recently Elaine Miranda was one of the speakers at TEDxManagua 2015, where she exposed her doctrine on the Nicaraguan personal finance situation.

I invite you to see her participation in TEDx through the lens of Potential Millionaire TV.   Elaine Miranda TEdxManagua speaks to all Latinos  around the world who speak Spanish.  I have applied the concepts, which Elaine Miranda asks us to raise our fingers at financial actions we should be taking.

TEDxManagua – Empower, Elaine Miranda / Personal Finance -TEDx

Congrats to all Podcasters on the International Podcast Day 

Felix Face HNLEAI have reached financial freedom and the only thing I want is for you to accomplish the same.  Through the application of the concepts of Elaine Miranda, I know that they will take you closer to your dreams.  I invite you to hear more about the Millionaire Mindset in our community podcast, the Potential Millionaire.   I hope you enjoy the video and learn something. I only ask that you put into practice what you’ve learned. Remember, we all are potential millionaires!

This post is sponsored by NinjaPillow.com


Do You Want To Become A Multimillionaire? – Grant Cardone

Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires
Learn More About : www.grantcardone.com/

Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires First, understand that you no longer want to be just a millionaire. You want to become a multimillionaire.

While you may think a million dollars will give you financial security, it will not. Given the volatility in economies, governments and financial markets around the world, it’s no longer safe to assume a million dollars will provide you and your family with true security. In fact, a Fidelity Investments’ study of millionaires last year found that 42 percent of them don’t feel wealthy and they would need $7.5 million of investable assets to start feeling rich.

This isn’t a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillion-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process. To get started, consider these seven secrets of multimillionaires.

No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire– You first have to decide you want to be a self-made millionaire. I went from nothing—no money, just ideas and a lot of hard work—to create a net worth that probably cannot be destroyed in my lifetime. The first step was making a decision and setting a target. Every day for years, I wrote down this statement: “I am worth over $100,000,000!”

No. 2: Get Rid of Poverty Thinking – There’s no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think correctly about it. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must end the poverty thinking. I know because I had to. I was raised by a single mother who did everything possible to put three boys through school and make ends meets. Many of the lessons she taught me encouraged a sense of scarcity and fear: “Eat all your food; there are people starving,” “Don’t waste anything,” “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Real wealth and abundance aren’t created from such thinking.

No. 3: Treat it Like a Duty – Self-made multimillionaires are motivated not just by money, but by a need for the marketplace to validate their contributions. While I have always wanted wealth, I was driven more by my need to contribute consistent with my potential. Multimillionaires don’t lower their targets when things get tough. Rather, they raise expectations for themselves because they see the difference they can make with their families, company, community and charities.

No. 4: Surround Yourself with Multimillionaires – I have been studying wealthy people since I was 10 years old. I read their stories and see what they went through. These are my mentors and teachers who inspire me. You can’t learn how to make money from someone who doesn’t have much. Who says, “Money won’t make you happy”? People without money. Who says, “All rich people are greedy”? People who aren’t rich. Wealthy people don’t talk like that. You need to know what people are doing to create wealth and follow their example: What do they read? How do they invest? What drives them? How do they stay motivated and excited?

No. 5: Work Like a Millionaire – Rich people treat time differently. They buy it, while poor people sell it. The wealthy know time is more valuable than money itself, so they hire people for things they’re not good at or aren’t a productive use of their time, such as household chores. But don’t kid yourself that those who hit it big don’t work hard. Financially successful people are consumed by their hunt for success and work to the point that they feel they are winning and not just working.

No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing – The rich don’t spend money; they invest. They know the U.S. tax laws favor investing over spending. You buy a house and can’t write it off. The rich, in contrast, buy an apartment building that produces cash flow, appreciates and offers write-offs year after year. You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their company that are deductible because they are used to produce revenue.

No. 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income – The really rich never depend on one flow of income but instead create a number of revenue streams. My first business had been generating a seven-figure income for years when I started investing cash in multifamily real estate. Once my real estate and my consulting business were churning, I went into a third business developing software to help retailers improve the customer experience.
Lastly, you may be surprised to learn that wealthy people wish you were wealthy, too. It’s a mystery to them why others don’t get rich. They know they aren’t special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist. Rich people want others to be rich for two reasons: first, so you can buy their products and services, and second, because they want to hang out with other rich people. Get rich — it’s American.

Do You Want To Become A Multimillionaire? – Grant Cardone
Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/222718#ixzz2bR5NWyxD

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

 Are you one of the 208 TSP Millionaires? Yes it is possible and guess what 208 Federal Employees have done it.   According to Mike Causey WFED.

Latest: April 13, 2015 2:59 am
A large number of feds became millionaires the hard way. Investing over time. They invested the maximum amount allowed and stuck with the stock-market indexed funds through good times and bad.

Bad, when you are buying stocks, is good.

During the recession, those who kept putting tax-deferred dollars into the C, S and I funds saw their accounts shrivel up. For a time. A long time for many. They bought low, when stocks were in effect “on sale” and now they are seeing the payoff.

Last week we heard from a recently retired fed. He put in 28 years with Uncle Sam and, obviously, was a steady investor. His account balance stands at $1,068,000.00. He wonders how this compares with other investors. Well, he’s in very good company, but the millionaires club is growing almost every day. So where do you stand?

Here’s the breakdown:

2.798 million workers (and military personnel) have balances under $50,000.
A whopping 1.426 million have between $50,000 and $249,999.
375,472 have accounts between $250,000 and $499,999.
95,664 have TSP accounts worth between $500,000 and $749,000.
21,485 are in the $750k to $990,999k range.

And there is a mystery person with more than $4.8 million that is fast-approaching the $5 million mark. So the obvious question is who is he or she?

Logical question.

Good question, but there’s just one thing…

I don’t know! His or her identity is unknown. But, if you happen to be him or her, and you want to share your secrets with millions of inquiring minds, email me!

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

Enjoy, Felix A. Montelara Author: Potential Millionaire


Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

Update: From Mike Causey | @mcauseyWFEDhow do we stack up against the 4,167 feds who have $1 million-plus accounts? Or the 21,000 who are almost there and the 21,458 whose account balances are between $750,000 and $999,999?”

As you can see we went from  208 TSP Millionaire in 2012 to 4,167 in 2015. I will keep updating this page as time goes by.

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

I hope this opens your mind to the possible.  Let me know if you are approaching the 21,458 or if you are one of the 4167 already there.

It matters because we all are Potential Millionaires.

Best regards,

Felix A. Montelara
Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

This was from February 2, 2012 :  Are you one of the 208 TSP Millionaires? Yes it is possible and guess what 208 Federal Employees have done it.   According to Mike Causey WFED.

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

Enjoy, Felix A. Montelara Author: Potential Millionaire


Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

Update: From Mike Causey | @mcauseyWFEDhow do we stack up against the 4,167 feds who have $1 million-plus accounts? Or the 21,000 who are almost there and the 21,458 whose account balances are between $750,000 and $999,999?”

As you can see we went from  208 TSP Millionaire in 2012 to 4,167 in 2015. I will keep updating this page as time goes by.

Are You One of the TSP Millionaires?

I hope this opens your mind to the possible.  Let me know if you are approaching the 21,458 or if you are one of the 4167 already there.

It matters because we all are Potential Millionaires.

Best regards,

Felix A. Montelara

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